Sweet Embrace Doula – Boulder, CO Based Doula

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When a woman gives birth to a baby, she goes through a process known as matrescence. Matresence was coined by Anthropologist Aurelie Athan in the 1970’s and is defined as : the process of becoming a mother. In a woman’s life, there are three major periods in which the brain changes: puberty, motherhood, and menopause. (This is of course if the woman decides to have a child/ren). There are new networks forming, and the brain is very malleable. It is learning how to nurture a tiny human, and extreme bonding happens along with hormonal shifts. 

Matrescence is not just a biological process, it is physiological, social, emotional, spiritual, and communal. Every aspect of the person’s life is shifting and sometimes feels as if it has completely disintegrated. Becoming a mother can be a rollercoaster. One second you are completely blissed out staring at your baby, and the next you are sobbing, feeling so overwhelmed; wanting a break or to feel like “yourself” again. While this can be scary and life-altering, it can also be comforting knowing that it is a normal part of BECOMING a mother or parent. 

How can you support yourself through this shift?

  1. Postpartum Support

  • In the form of doula care, meal train, therapy, family support, new mom groups

  1. Nourishment

  • To properly balance hormones and keep your brain/body fed. Think healthy fats,warming spices, and iron.

  1. Journaling

  • Write out your experience to feel lighter and more organized with your thoughts

  1. Herbal Allies

  • See an herbalist for more information and personalized herbs to support your individual brain and body