Newborn Essentials

We live in an informational and technological age, where we have way too many options for products or food. So how do we choose which items to get for our newborn, and how do we even know if these items are essential?


First and foremost, newborn babes don’t need much to survive. Food supply, loving comfort of parents, a dry diaper, and a safe place to sleep being the essentials here. You will get a lot of hand me downs and gifts from friends & family- so feel free to donate unused or unwanted items to families in need. 

  1. Carseat

If it intimidates you to get your carseat installed in your vehicle, head on over to your local fire department. They teach you how to get it set up AND make sure you are good to go when your babe is born. I suggest wearing your baby or use a stroller so you don’t have to take your carseat in and out. 

2. Breast pump, bottles, nipples, nipple cream

There are many different types of pumps so I suggest getting a couple different kinds to see which one works best for you. Most insurance companies cover medical brand pumps. My favorite cordless pump is the Haakaa- silicone, easy to use, and cheap. Having a few bottles on hand can be very helpful for feeding your new babe (mostly for partners and other visitors if you need a break). Use your breast milk or formula for these! Bottles obviously need nipples- it’s important to find ones with different flow capacity: Newborn nipples have a slower flow. As they get older, they will probably tolerate a stronger flow. Nipple creams can help cracked and dry nipples and can provide relief during the early days of nursing. 

3. Baby Carrier

Baby carriers are so amazing! They allow you to hold your babe hands-free so you can go about your day. Most of them are ergonomic, but it’s important to find one that feels good on your body. There are different kinds of carriers- wraps, front side, and back side. 

Ergobaby is one of my favorite brands! They have all sorts of wraps, carriers, and baby goodies.

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4. Clothing for your baby

Socks and hats are very important because they can’t quite regulate their body temperature yet- this is why skin to skin contact is important in the first couple weeks after birth. Remember, layers are magic! It’s important to have several pieces of clothing on deck in case of major poopy blow outs. Bibs are another layer option which protects from spit up.

5. Burp rags, wipes, diapers (cloth and compostable diapers are an option), and a diaper pail 

All of these items are pretty essential. There are pros and cons of using each kind of diaper. Cloth diapers require more water and energy use- but are reusable and contribute to faster potty training. Disposables are convenient, easy, you can find eco friendly brands- but you are creating waste. Some of my clients do cloth diapers at home, but have disposables for traveling. Elimination communication is another option if you want to potty train your infant- less diaper use.

6. DockAtot

This is a lifesaver because it keeps your baby safely on their backs and they can chill right next to you in any room!

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As a new parent, you are learning what your newborn wants, the different cries they have, when they want to nurse, and what helps create a peaceful environment for them.

TIP: Take your babe outside when they are fussy! Nobody likes being in a box all the time. :)


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