Sweet Embrace Doula – Boulder, CO Based Doula

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Abhyanga & Self Massage

Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic practice of warm oil massage. Warming therapies is one of the 5 pillars of postpartum wellness and this is a great way to nourish the mind, body, and spirit. This can be done by a professional or you can do daily self massage! Want to learn more about the other pillars of postpartum wellness? Check out my blog here:

So what are some benefits of warm oil massage?

  1. Feelings of stability and warmth

  2. Aids in stagnant energy/chi

  3. Lymph health and aids in elimination of impurities

  4. Lubricates joints and increases circulation

  5. Stimulates internal organs

  6. Better sleep

  7. Aids in balancing of doshas

  8. Calms nervous system

  9. Nourishes skin

  10. Increases stamina

Here is a great video of how to give yourself daily oil massage: 
